About this item
Food processing industry: The White Dextrine is highly useful in food processing industry; it is trusted as a crispiness enhancing agent in glazes and variety of food batters. Having a wide range of uses, our experts approved chemical is used as a textile finishing and coating agent.
A good Prebiotic: dextrin is also considered a prebiotic. So by consuming dextrin, you are increasing the health and effectiveness of your probiotics, which assist in digestive issues and help maintain homeostasis in your stomach.
Healthy blood sugar levels: Consuming dextrin can help reduce the glycemic index of your meal, which helps you maintain healthy blood sugar levels – this is especially important for diabetics

Pregel starch is a fine white powder. It provides product with viscosity without the need for cooking on high temperatures, which means that the food manufacturer does not need to precook the starch. Pre-gelatinized starches retain most of the functional properties and viscosity of the original base material.
The main role of Pregel starch we manufacture is to increase the shelf life of frozen foods.
It provides consistency to final products, acts as a texture stabiliser and gives a crisp coating to baked goods.
Pregel starch is ideal for both hot and cold systems. It enhances the texture in cakes and cookies.
Bakery & Snacks
Salty snacks
Filling, custard, décor
Cake and pastry
Functional Properties
Make it clean for me and the planet
Make it indulgent
Crispiness & crunchiness
Optimize my formulation
Other Properties and Benefits
White to slightly yellow odourless powder
Easy-flowing powder